About Us

Together We Build Dreams

SLS LIGHTING designs, develops and manufactures in Greece a wide range of high quality LED luminaires for industrial & professional use.
SLS LIGHTING has more than 20 years of experience in outdoor lighting projects.

The company has extensive knowledge in lighting and led thermal management,with specialization in LED FLOODS for large areas, great heights, sports grounds, warehouses, factories, harsh environmental conditions, marine & underwater lighting, and is able to offer unique solutions in high demanding projects. For more info: www.sls-led.com


SLS HORTI – a subdivision of the Greek company SLS – is specialized in lighting for agriculture purposes.

All SLS LED SYSTEMS are designed to maximize efficiency and endurance. Moreover, SLS HORTI aims at maximizing the growth potential and quality of Cannabis plants.

With over 2 years of Research & Development, we are proud to provide both professionals and home growers with a unique SOLUTION focused on:

  • Energy Efficiency. Adjustable low consumption LED systems with digitally controlled Watts and on/off cycle.
  • Precision Lighting according to Growth. Digitally controlled full spectrum, white, red, far red & UV lights programmed to respond to the needs of the plant, according to its growth phase.
  • Maintenance Free. Based on our innovative passive cooling aluminum system (PATENTED), with only the absolutely necessary parts for performance and durability, LED chips work at a very low temperature – as low as 55o C- thus ensuring more than 100,000 hours of continuous operation with consistent performance. Our drivers don’t have electrolytic capacitors and come with a 10 year Warranty that we also offer for the whole product – independently of the environmental work conditions and use.

With 3 patents in our company and the care and precision of our manufacturing team, we are proud to offer you the BEST PRODUCT and solution for the exact  grower needs.


Our vision is to provide the best LED FLOODLIGHTS, in terms of durability, longevity, uniqueness, efficiency & low energy consumption that are a perfect fit for any special condition or application.
Our goal is to maximize lifetime of the LED luminaire and ensure that it will provide consistent high performance.
To achieve this goal we use our patented, innovative high-purity aluminum heatsink, combined with the very latest LED chip technology, the high precision silicone compound optics, the high-quality drivers/power supplies, with the effective design and production process and the highly specialized personnel.
Our final products constitute a premier unique solution comprised of individual parts with top features that can be customized to meet the special needs of each one of our customers.


To achieve our vision:
– We focus on creativity and original ideas
– We strive for continuous improvement and innovation
– We are committed to outstanding quality and service to our customers’ tailored needs

Head Office

Head offices are located in Athens, GREECE.

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